I made this site originally to host repacked versions (of my own) for a friend that had already paid for those games but unfortunately wasnt able to access them
I have bought all the (mostly indie) games hosted here and I strongly belive that you should too, to support its creators
However, in today's day and age, the digital industry has gotten to a point where owning isnt really owning anymore
Facing this, i strongly believe that if buying isnt owning, then cracking/pirating is not theft, TO AN EXTENT
While its understandable for AAA games that have gotten way past the 60$ bar, you should always prioritize supporting the developpers behind indie games
Finally, if you dont trust me and my repacks, THATS FINE AND PERFECTLY UNDERSTANDABLE! :D
By all means always trust your guts when downloading stuff online and always check for viruses when downloading something from an unknown source (me included)
Don't download anything you arent sure about, if it looks too good to be true, 80% of the time it actually is :)
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much love,